Sales & Accounts
How does the subscription work?
A monthly subscription fee will be charged based on the 12-month contract that you nominate. A one-off GoWeigh Connect onboarding fee is due when you sign up. To learn more about pricing click here.
What happens to my data if I cancel the service?
A minimum of 30 days notice is required to cancel the service. The data will be securely stored for 5 years.
Can I use the system to complete public weighbridge transactions?
No, GoWeigh Connect can only be used for private weighbridge operations. If you are interested in GoWeigh’s public weighbridge systems please call 1300 66 44 69.
Are volume discounts available for multiple weighbridge sites?
Yes, if you have two or more sites we offer a reduced monthly fee per site. Please confirm the number of sites you wish to use GoWeigh Connect with during your initial consultation.
What type of ongoing support is provided?
GoWeigh provides remote technical support during business hours. If you are an enterprise customer please refer to your service level agreement to confirm support levels.
Software Features
How do I view weighbridge transactions?
You can view all the transactions by logging into our online website portal here.
Can I still print my dockets?
Yes, a PDF report can be generated for each transaction and printed on any printer.
Can you take photos of the transaction?
Yes, the mobile app has the capability to capture a photo of the transaction.
Can we use stored tares for our vehicles?
Yes, this is configurable for each vehicle within your GoWeigh Connect account.
Can we check if the vehicle is overloaded?
Yes, you can nominate a phone number or email address to be notified for each overloaded transaction. This feature is available on the Connect Plus and Enterprise plans.
What type of device do I need to interface with the system?
GoWeigh Connect works with the latest iOS and Android devices, including phones and tablets. The app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play Store.
Can I include product details in my weighing transaction?
Yes, each weighbridge can be configured with four unique options. One of the options could be a list of products. Additional information can be added in a notes field per transaction. This feature is available on Connect Plus and Enterprise plans only.
Can I view public weighbridge transactions in my Connect account?
No, the public weighbridge transactions are only available at However, we will consider introducing this feature in the near future.
Does the system require the driver to complete the transaction?
Yes, however you can delegate an operator to complete the transaction on behalf of the driver.
Does the system need the driver to complete the transaction?
Refer to question above. The transaction can only be completed using an Android or iOS device.
Does the system allow for axle or split weighing?
Yes, this can be configured per weighbridge and have up to four axle group weighs recorded.
Installation & Setup
Can I include custom fields in questions on the system?
Yes, each weighbridge can be configured to have custom options. One of the options could be a list of products. Additional information can be added in a notes field per transaction. This feature is available on Connect Plus and Enterprise plans only.
How do I install the controller unit?
An instruction manual will be included with the controller unit packaging.
What happens if my indicator doesn’t have a spare serial port?
In this instance you will need a new indicator. Please contact GoWeigh on 1300 66 44 69 to arrange a replacement indicator. The new indicator will be added to your initial installation and onboarding fee.
Do drivers need a fob or access card to use the system?
No, they just need to install the Goweigh Connect app on their iOS or Android device.
What weighbridge models does the software work with?
At present our system works with Rinstrum indicators only. We will be adding support for other indicators soon. If you do not have Rinstrum indicators please contact GoWeigh on 1300 66 44 69 to discuss your options.
Does the system work with analogue indicators?
We currently support analogue indicators from Rinstrum only. We will be adding support for other indicators soon.
How do I change my username and password?
Log into the web portal to change your details. If you have forgotten these details, please contact
What if my device is not communicating with the controller?
Please check that your device has Bluetooth turned on. If Bluetooth is turned on and it is still not connected, consider pairing the devices again by turning the Bluetooth on your device off and on and pairing with the controller again. If this does not resolve the issue please contact our technical support during business hours on 1300 66 44 69 or submit a support request.
What happens if controller unit stops working?
Please turn off the controller unit, disconnect the cables, reconnect the cables and turn on the controller unit. If this does not resolve the issue please contact technical support during business hours on 1300 66 44 69 or submit a support request.